Answering Your Questions
When does Truth Academy meet?
Truth Academy meets on Mondays and Wednesdays between the hours of 8:30 and 3:30. The school year runs from the middle of August to the middle of May.
Where does Truth Academy Meet?
Truth Academy meets at First Baptist Church of Springfield located at 525 South Avenue, Springfield, Missouri 65806.
May I enroll my student anytime during the school year?
Yes. Truth Academy welcomes students at any time during the school year. Although most students start school in August of the school year, Truth Academy accepts students at any time. The staff at Truth Academy works with the parents and students to ensure that a student who did not enroll at the beginning of the school year receives the assistance he or she needs to succeed.
What is the tuition of Truth Academy?
Currently, Truth Academy charges $2,150.00 a school year for tuition. For complete information regarding tuition and other fees click here to be directed to our tuition page.
Does Truth Academy provide books to its students?
Students are responsible for providing their own books, although the staff at Truth Academy will assist students in locating those books. Currently, Truth Academy uses A Beka and Bob Jones Curriculum. For more information regarding curriculum, see our curriculum page.
How do I know what I should be helping my child with on the days he or she is at home?
Students at Truth Academy are provided homework grids every Monday and Wednesday from their teachers. The grids set forth the exact assignments a student will be working on at home.
Does Truth Academy provide physical education classes?
At this time Truth Academy does not provide physical education classes, although there is recess for the elementary students.
Is Truth Academy a cooperative?
Truth Academy is not a cooperative home school setting. Although Truth Academy welcomes volunteers from parents of students, Truth Academy does not require parents to volunteer at Truth Academy. Truth Academy has regular teachers, regular students, regular curriculum, and meets at a regular scheduled place and time. Truth Academy is what is known as a "Hybrid Homeschool" or "Hybrid Homeschooling" education.
Is Truth Academy taught as classical education?
Truth Academy is not a classical based education. The goal of Truth Academy is to provide a well-rounded, Christian-based education that is designed to prepare students for the future. Most of Truth Academy's curriculum is based on A Beka and Bob Jones.
Is Truth Academy accredited?
No. Most colleges accept students from a non-accredited high school (public or private) so long as: 1) the school is in compliance with the school laws of the state in which it is located (Truth Academy is in compliance with the school laws of Missouri); and 2) The prospective college student achieves a certain minimum score on either the ACT or SAT. Truth Academy provides the foundation needed for its students to succeed both in the taking of college entrance exams and in college. Because most colleges do not require a student to attend an accredited high school, and because accreditation can cost thousands of dollars every year, Truth Academy believes it can better allocate its resources to providing quality education for its students.
How much time will I spend teaching at home?
The amount of time you will spend teaching at home varies depending upon each child. Children who are younger will need more parental involvement than older students. Even within the same age group of students, the time each parent will spend working one on one with a child will vary depending upon each child's unique abilities. Regardless of the amount of time required for a parent to spend teaching a child at home, the teachers at Truth Academy are available, both in and out of the classroom, to assist in providing a great educational experience for parents as well as children.
How do I learn more information about Truth Academy?
Contact Carla Groves at 417-839-8492